
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Freedom of Press in Morocco: Nini Affair

How well do you think Morocco is doing in terms of the freedom of press?,41275.html

1 comment:

  1. This article clearly shows that although Morocco is now tolerating more media criticism, it is still very far from allowing the freedom of press. Indeed, the role of media when it comes to the religion or to the royal family is still very restricted. At the beginning, it seemed that more freedom was given to the print media because not a very important portion of the Moroccan society is able to buy and read newspapers and magazines, but even the print media faces a lot of restrictions and newspapers such as TelQuel and Le Journal hebdomadaire considered as independant also face major restrictions.For instance, Telquel has been forbidden from publishing a survey on the King in 2009. Hence, Morocco is definitely doing very poorly in terms of the freedom of press.
